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Divorce Is Easier With a Good Attorney

Divorce is hard. There's no way to make this emotionally challenging time a walk in the park, but there is one way to make it simpler: hire a good attorney. A divorce attorney can act as your go-between during the proceedings, which minimizes the contact you need to have with your ex-spouse. Overall, this can lead to fewer arguments and a settlement that is more fair for all parties involved. If you're on the brink of divorce, we think reading a little more about divorce attorneys on this blog will be helpful. That way, you are prepared for what is to come.



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Divorce Is Easier With a Good Attorney

    Taking on the Divorce Legal Fee Issue

    Ideally, the decision to divorce a spouse should not come down to being able to afford the legal fees. If you are putting off a divorce because you cannot imagine how you will pay for it, read the below information and get ready to provide yourself with a fresh perspective on the issue of paying for divorce. Keep Things Simple If you and your spouse have little to disagree about, your divorce could be cheaper.

    Disinheritance 101: What You Should Know

    Estate planning is a complex process, and it is something that you should only do with the support and assistance of an estate planning attorney. However, even with the help of an attorney, there are some situations that you'll need to handle delicately. For example, what should you do if you are considering disinheriting one of your children? Most parents automatically leave their estate to their children, typically split equally. If, however, you're thinking about disinheriting a child, here's a look at what you should know.

    Who Gets the Assets? Understanding Marital Property During a Divorce

    When the marriage is over, almost everything the couple owns is considered marital property. Along with child custody, alimony, and marital debt, marital assets are a major issue with divorce. To find out who gets what in a divorce, read on. Understanding Marital Assets When it comes to divorce, everything the couple owns is divided into either marital assets or separate property. Here are some very common forms of assets, both marital and separate:

    What Should You Do To Win A Custody Battle?

    Are you going to go through a custody battle due to getting a divorce and want to do everything that it takes to win? If so, it will help to do the following things so that the odds are in your favor. Be Involved Whenever Possible If you want to win custody, then you have to be involved with your child's life. This means taking steps to be involved in ways that you may not have thought of before.

    The Divorce Mediation Process Explained

    Going through a divorce can be quite stressful, but it doesn't have to end up in court. Many divorces are actually settled in mediation, which is when both spouses sit down to work out an agreement together. While the mediation process typically happens in person, it is common to do it online these days during the current pandemic, and the process is similar no matter which way you do it. Here is what you need to know about the divorce mediation process.

    Prenuptial And Postnuptial Agreements Do Not Always Hold Up In Divorce

    Prenuptial and postnuptial agreements are thought to be ironclad. Yes, these are legal documents, and oftentimes, the terms of these agreements serve as precedence in a divorce, but there are instances when the terms are modified or dismissed entirely. Learn about a few possible defenses that can be applied with a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement. False Representation Each party must disclose all their assets within the agreement. Even if your partner is requesting that you sign a document that states you are not entitled to any share of their assets, they still have to list them all for you to view.

    Kinship Adoption — 5 Reasons You Still Need A Lawyer

    Are you considering adopting a relative's child or other family member? While this type of adoption can mitigate stress in the entire family and offer a better environment for the child, it can also be complex. Many families in this situation are not required to be represented in family court by a lawyer, but this doesn't mean they shouldn't hire one anyway. Why? Here are five key points of assistance provided by a family law attorney.

    Prepare For An Online Mediation Session

    The current pandemic may have put your divorce proceedings on hold, especially if you were seeking aid through a representative who has postponed physical meetings for the time being. Did you know that there are many practices that offer online sessions that are as equally effective as in-person meetings? If you and your spouse would like to use a mediator to aid with coming to an agreement about assets, visitation, and custody, you may appreciate knowing that you can use this service from the comfort of your home.